Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Fighting Between Students

Fighting between students is now a warm conversation among the community, in fact the case fighting between is longstanding, but only when it is very warm  fighting between discussed because often the victims in these fighting between.

4 factors is also the reason behind the mental fragility students: 
1. Internal factors 
Inability / lack of inability to adapt to a complex social environment puts pressure on everyone. Especially in adolescents who are mentally unstable and still in search of identity and purpose in life. Complexities such as cultural diversity, economic viability and the view can not be accepted so acted through violence.When you are not able to adapt, despair, blame others and choose instant way to solve the problem of making sense of frustration getting students to control the unstable emotions. Insensitivity to the feelings of others lead students bear maul to kill each other. Actually, in themselves they need recognition. 
2. Family factors 
If the family is not happy, even domestic violence will have an impact on psychological mental child. Indirectly, adolescents will mimic the pattern he sees in his family. Children whose parents are too protected (spoiled) will also be the same. When joining the social group at school, he would submit himself totally without personality and strong principles.Inadequate emotional adjustment coupled with a social group that is not really the possible occurrence of conflict between students. 
3. Factors schools 
Boredom in the classroom teaching and learning acts as a monotonous, does not allow students to be creative, too reining and also authoritarian influence. Most of the teens live well spent in school, where he studied at the same time expressing himself. No wonder the school is often referred to as a second home.Students who are bored will choose to have fun outside of school. School teachers rated as the authoritarian who likes to punish rather than educate students in a real sense. 
4. Environmental factors
This factor is much wider than the teenagers home. The neighborhood is also speaking schools, television, print media, and dissatisfaction with the country or state facilities. If diruntut of environmental factors, the media and the government is also exemplary in the spotlight on student brawls.Still remember the case of fighting an honorable council? Media displays and actors who do well can be blamed for giving bad example.Given youth a sense of solidarity, often in the wrong lane. Should be emphasized again the importance of controlling the sense of solidarity with common sense and tolerance among human spirit is high. Solidarity is not always chimed in bad things.

How to Prevent Brawl 

From the psychological side, young people must be able to prepare for the transition from childhood to adulthood well. Acceptance true identity will make teens a stable personal and sensible. In addition to accepting yourself, young people must be able to accept other people who have a lot of diversity.Of course, teenagers need the help of family factors, school and environment. If the improvements made in full to the four factors above, inter-student violence should not happen. In short, the improvements made will be very many branches of branches